King Britt is a musician that hails from the far reaches of Phillytown him and Santi are good friends and he has asked that this be sent far and far from the confines of his studio to spread the sound of this music. Ok, i'm done now. So foremerly known as Santogold, Santi White has now taken on the name of Santigold due to an asshole of a suit that was brought against her for name infringement. Whatever. We still love Santi no matter what her name is. Currently Santi is working on her second album with producer Pharrel Williams, I'm guessing it's gonna be pretty insane. This track named Anne surely has a creepy side to it and it reminds me a lot of Radioheads lead singer Thom Yorke, if you have never seen him live just watch the video below of him performing 15 step with a drum line behind him at the 2009 Grammy Award Show.
Anne - Santigold (King Britt Moody Mix)
You should probably cop this HERE
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